Some of the days were cloudy and rainy so I use them to watch the latest movie of Stallone, Rambo 4.
I found in town, home cinema theater that let you rent a movie and watch it, I had the whole room to myself and it was great watching Rambo beating the enemies.
After a week in Puerto Escondido I took the 13 hours night bus to Mexico City. Mexico City also called D.F. (De Efe) by the locals, it's a fucking huge city with 25 millions people in it, and many horror stories of kidnapping, murder, arm robbery, rapes and so on. Well... it didn't stop me to walk all by myself at 02:00 AM and searching for a place to drink and dance.
2 days after Nash (local girl I met in Puerto Escondido, and she lives in D.F) came back to D.F and took me for a city tour in her car. Nash was explaining me the culture, the weired food stuff and all the stories about the Mexican life. She took me to a spooky bar that I won't even go inside in my own country. The main specialty of this bar is about a cactus alcoholic drink called Polka.
After we spent great evening together I went back to my room and start packing and doing the laundry (time is 02:00 AM, my flight is at 06:50 which means I need to be at 03:50 at the airport) so I will get some clean clothes to the fancy city New York.
So yeah, like you probably guess I'm the biggest idiot on earth, I fucking missed my flight to NYC. What can I do, I am a last second man, everything needs to be done in the last moment. Anyway, one good thing happened from this missing flight incident, I learned a very expensive lesson (115 dollars) that I should always listen to my dad when he says: "take some advance time just in case...", "come calm to places", "don't leave things for the last minute". So yeah dad, once again you were right, as always I guess.
But in my defence I can say that I did manage to get to the airport on time at 06:30 while the airplane is still on the ground, but I forgot one small technically thing, This Is Not a Bus !!!
So... I had to pay 115 bucks and wait 4 hours for the next plane, while in my heart I wished the plane I missed will crash down and it was all a sign from god to miss that flight.