Friday, February 29, 2008

Last night in Nicaragua

Long time no speak since my mind was busy on other things.
Carmel left me to Costa Rica, and I´m all alone once again but I hope only till my next stop in Honduras.
I wanted to cross the border today but it was too late, so I had to stay the night in small local town that seems like I am the only tourist in here, but for the first time after 2 months I found myself a giant room with Hot shower (yeah, up until now since Montaverde in Costa Rica I was showering in cold water).

In the last week and a half me and Carmel was in Granada and San Juan Del Sur. In Granada me and Eddie found some good night life and discotechs which was really fun, and we went to one of the lakes of Nicaragua and played some chess, yeah, once again I won.

San Juan Del Sur is an amazing place with great beach and we spend there the last week, nice clear very cold water and beautiful beach. Most of the time me and Carmel got ourselves drunk with beers, slept the afternoon and watched movies in our great room that I used to clean everyday.

In the weekend we had a huge party of Harley Davidson bikers from all over america, it's was so cool to see there pices and many came from all over central america. Finally a good party like in israel that you pay entry and then have free drinks all night.

see ya,

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