Friday, March 7, 2008

The Last week in Honduras

So... the last week in Roatan was totally great I met Felix from Germany, Anna from England, Nico from Italy and Leo from Guatemala.
The last guy Leo was totally cool, smoking joints for breakfast and pretty much all day long. Nico always cooked for us Italian food, pizza and pasta, and even Felix and Anna cooked for me dinner once, also pasta with great red wine.

One of my day I even burn on a 6 hours chess games with a very old guy from Canada named Gee, he lives most of the year on this island, and already traveled in half of the world except Israel (but I guess he will come over after what I told him).
Anyway, yeah Elad I even manage to beat him few times, and he said I am a good competitor.

After Roatan island and my diving course, me Leo and Nico left to Copan Ruinas to see the Maya temples, which was nice I guess, but only to said been there done that. The day after I went to lovely spa place on nature, hot burning waterfall, which was fucking amazing.

The day after I took a shuttle bus for a 6:30 hours on the road, it was a nightmare but I guess much easier than the last borders I crossed on local buses. I got to Antigua in Guatemala at 18:30 and found out that my fucking giant bag got broken, so I had to carry it on one shoulder. (looks like a sign to finish my trip and come back home). But don't worry I won't come back so soon because of a bag, I found today a tailor (actually he was SANDLAR) and he fixed my bag, (it was only one plastic that got broken) so I can continue traveling.

From first site of one day around the city, Guatemala looks pretty much as all the other center America cities, but one good thing then the other cities I have been so far it reminds me Thailand since they have here lots of restaurants that shows the latest movies from the cinema.
And... actually I just found myself the great American restaurant in the whole wide world... oh yeah, I bet you guessed it, the one and only Macdonald's. They have it all in here, TV showing the champions league soccer games, 5 computers free of charge Internet with LCD screen, and of course great delicious meals.
What can a man ask for more ?
Well, they did give a mess a bit, since I had to find how to cross over their firewall that blocks the entry of all kind of web based email, so after reading a while and doing homework I managed to log in to my GMAIL.

More from Guatemala will come up soon, up until then adios,


Mister Bulmann said...

super coolness !
do you still hang out with the guys you met or are you alone now ?
show some pics of this Anna !
on my side, i am still working on my movie with the help of 6 others (stage and volunteers) it represents lots lots of work. i can evaluate that about 1/3 of the film is finished. the "bad" news is that i'm so broke that i will leave my nice appartement and go live at julie's place for a while (and sometimes at my mom's place i guess...) ein ma laassot, that's life i guess... ups and downs. this short film is sometimes a sacrifice but i enjoy doing it much more that the other stuff i used to do. hope i'll make some bucks out of it some day... see ya ! continue enjoying !

rambo79 said...

Poor Antoine, tears of cry was running on my face while reading your comment.

I'm doing you some PR in here, I met a graphic designer from Paris here and told her to check out your last 3d movie that won all the prices.

Anyway, I'm sure you are leaving your small, tiny, chikitit apartment to have a giant house with swimming pool and all the fancy stuff, after your movie will be out.

Well...I guess you can make more than few bucks from your cartoon.

Good luck man, and don't let me down.

eladpeer said...

Krausi what can i say? Like in the previous posts, "Fucking Coolness".

You just can’t stop cracking and hacking computers. STOP! I see that i am the only one that can stop you from doing that. You only managed once to hack into mine and that was my fault. :-)
