Hola from heaven on earth, Roatan Island.
Where the sand is white and shine like gold, the water is clear and transparent more the Mei Eden bottle and the tourists are rich American with tons of dollars. Yeah, it's not a backpackers place but it's definitely a great nice island to visit and to make a diving course.
Oh yeah, I took the diving course which was fucking amazing, great adventure with lots of practise underwater what to do in case of emergency like you have no air, no mask or if you losing all you gear.
I even had to read a huge book in English and to had an exam, I nearly failed, I got only 76 while the pass is from 75.
Anyway, the reef here is great, nice giant fish with tons of colors, and the feeling is like swimming in aquarium.
My first night in Honduras was in the capital city Tegucigalpa, I met 3 Israelis that just came from this haven (Roatan Island) and they told me not to miss it. So basically we talked and played cards all the evening and then at 23:00 we felt hungry and I suggested to go out to have some food even tough the lonely planet says be careful it's a dangerous city and all that shit.
The other Israelis didn't like the idea but I managed to convince the guy to come with me and that we will bring some food for us and the girls that was too afraid to come out with us. So after the guy took a pepper spray (GAS MADMIAA - in case we will get attack) of his girlfriend, we went out from the hostel and started to walk 25 meters, then I saw a nice decent guy, looks good with cellular and asked him in Spanish "Besculpe Senyor donde esta el comida?" (Excuse me sir, where is food?) he didn't look at me at the first time so I asked more loudly the same question, then he just put two fist in the air and get into a combat position like he want to attack me. When I saw this I got panic and cross the street, after 2 seconds the police came out of no where.
At first I was so happy, wow what a great protection and safe city, but then 3 police officers came out of the car and each one of them grabbed one of us (one on the local guy, and two on me and the other Israeli guy). The police did a body search on us, and we felt like Arabics in the SHTACHIM. The police asked us for passport and we both didn't have it on us, I tried to convince them in my broken Spanish to come to our hotel which is only 25 meters from the incident, but with no luck. They wanted to arrest us and take us to the police station, but after 10 minutes of explaining to them that we are sorry and it will not happen again and it's my first night in Honduras and I just went out to grab some food, and my passport is not on me because it's dangerous to carry it on in this danger city, and all that shit. I just told them ok let me go back to sleep, I'm sorry and they just let us go. We had luck somehow but unfortunately we went to bed hungry and on empty stomach.
till next time, Adios,
Oh man, sounds like you've been having some great adventures since I left you. I think I'm going to need to go to Nicaragua now. I'm probably going to be traveling when I'm done teaching in early June, so maybe we can meet up if you're still here. BTW, why do you write in English? I'm confused. Sorry about the welcome to Honduras - glad Roatan is treating you better. I never carry my passport on me (even when traveling in Honduras), luckily I've never had a problem with the police either! Hope to hear from you soon!
You are crazy.....
All the best....
Nu.... coolness? I suppose there's no lemon grass over there. You should have ordered from pizza hut, im ze kasher of course!! A lot of times, thats how the police act with blacks in the U.S.. If a white person breaks into a black man's home, and the black man calls the police, chances are the police will arrest the black man!! Anywayz, cool post. I'll check your next post around March 21 :) Shabbat Shalom from Israel.
Nu Krauzi. Now that is real traveling. Now you believe all the stories I told you about how dangerous it can be in some places in South America? Be careful, in some places like Bolivia they even dress up as Police men and ask for your papers. Then they say that you have to come with them to the station. You get with them into a car and instead of taking you to the station (although you don't know what you did) then take you to some place, beat you up and steal all your belongings. This is not Tokyo. This is real traveling with real adventures.
Bekizur i see it is fucking coolness over there. Those are the real trips. Meeting LOADS of people and having great adventures. Just like my trip to South America. Told you it is cool. Forget Japan. It is TOTALY different.
Enjoy your trip. All I can say is that I envy you. I also want to go to Central America. Sounds FUCKING COOL. In the beginning you didn't like it that much. I could see it by reading your blog. You didn't even have anything interesting to write but I bet you love it now. Told you.
Bekizur I think I am about to write more than you did in your last post so I will have to stop here. It is not me that is traveling. It is you.
Adios amigo.
Ma Hamatsav??
You are crazy man!
your mom didnt teach you not talk to Strangers?
Elad is right it seemed that you really fun now and it is totally different trip than you Had six years ago.
Take Care and keep Having Fun
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